花之圓舞曲 Waltz of Flowers-Flower joy melody and visual arts feast
作者:李亮一 Leo Lee
A1-公共藝術設置地點選擇四根大圓柱子,呼應(新莊)的文化多樣性與包容性特色。綠廊國際會議廳前廳柱列可容納兩百人的會議空間,將有來自各地的人集中於此開會, 前廳是與會者休憩、討論、聚集之處,四根大柱子與弧形牆面,由藝術家整體規劃創作。
A2-以四幅「花之圓舞曲」隱含歡迎大家 呼應本會議門廳的意象。以四幅花之圓曲呼應本會議空間為與會者休憩、討論、聚集之處 。就如同到了夏威夷總有一個美麗的花環歡迎遊客的到來。正是花之組曲色彩鮮艷,「歡迎大家」的含意,呼應本會議門廳的意象。
A4-以獨創的公共藝術令人賞心悅目,呼應服務在地民眾的使命。玻璃數位印刷應用,是本人獨自創新的公共藝術,融合版畫、素描、水彩、雕塑、陶藝、 歷經二十年以上經驗、具有濃厚的創意與現代感,不僅可細細品昧,令人讚嘆駐足。
B-弧牆上以8幅漸層馬賽克掛圖,象徵四對舞者環繞 花之圓舞曲圓柱翩翩起舞。
A1-Four huge round columns have been selected for the installation of the public art, in order to reflect the cultural diversity and inclusiveness of the town of Xinzhuang, The international convention hall in the green corridor can accommodate two hundred people coming from various areas to meet here for conference. The vestibule outside the conference room is a space where the participants of the meeting take a rest, engage themselves in discussions, or just socialize. The four large round columns and the curved wall form an ideal space where a group of artists collaborate to realize an ensemble of public art befitting the convention center.
A2-The four panels of “Waltz of Flowers” symbolize a warm welcome extended to all who arrive here for topical discussions, cultural exchanges or leisure activities. Much as the Hawaiians present a beautiful lei to a tourist on his/her arrival, the brilliantly-colored floral suites on the pillars greet guests arriving for cultural and social interchanges.
A3-The exuberant floral patterns fixed onto the four columns provide a feast of visual ar t which, by means of their chromatic deployment and linear drawings, arouse an aesthetic experience the way musical notes do as they are translated into melodies and rhythms in the performances of vocalists and instrumentalists. At once symbolical and metaphorical, representational and non-representational, this flowering display is a visual poem celebrating unlimited growth, perennial prosperity and eternal joy of life.
A4-This is an original work of public art conceived and realized in accordance with the mission of the establishment, a mission, namely, to render service to the local public. The application of digital inkjet printing onto glass mosaic is a form of art the artist has created independently. It conjoins printing, drawing, watercolor, sculpture and ceramics into one unified whole. This technique did not come to maturity and fruition until after repeated experiments over a period of more than twenty years. A work of art thus created has an eye-catching beauty and a compelling modernity. This first impression is to be followed by attentive contemplation among the spectators in their efforts to identify what’s what in the abstract patterns and suggestive lines.
B-Eight gradated mosaics on the cur ved wall symbolize four pairs of dancers waltzing around the flowers on the round columns.
C-The Arch is a pictorial metaphor of the four pairs of dancers waltzing toward a bright future.